Daniel Dennett: How Does the Brain Store Beliefs?
- You can't have an isolated belief
- Belief's come in systems, they in large clumps
- wiki.concepts.list.holism
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- wiki.media.list.1984
- In 1984 Big Brother instills a system of beliefs that is not entirely coherent
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- Relationships.People.Leonardo Dicaprio manipulate's his wife's beliefs leading to him getting framed for her murder.
- When you mess with someone's belief's you are fucking with a highly connected system. One's system of belief's has a low wiki.concepts.list.Average path length connecting the separate belief's just like how society is all connected through the wiki.concepts.list.Six degrees of separation.
- wiki.concepts.list.CBC Casper
- Sorta functions as a belief system. The idea of slashing stake and state from a network is like removing a belief.