DAO #blockchain dentropydaemon-wiki/Software/List/Solidity Snapshot
Supported networks - Developer Docs
- How can I add/remove an owner to gnosis-safe wallet from solidity smart contract? - Ethereum Stack Exchange
- If you want smart contracts or other gnosis safe's to be able to count as a signature in the safe one will need to extend the gnosis safe with a module
- The ability to have another smart contract count in the decision process complicates things quite a lot because gnosis safe checks for people agreeing with signatures rather than transactions done on chain to the contract
- Can you do off chain votes for token holders
- Yes you can use dentropydaemon-wiki/Software/List/SafeSnap
- Support for dentropydaemon-wiki/Software/List/Arbitrum
- Important Links
- Verify Gnosis Safe tx: How can I generate the safeTxHash without “Read as Proxy”? - Ethereum Stack Exchange
- CIP/CIP-101.md at main · ceramicnetwork/CIP
- 5afe/safe-tasks: Hardhat task collection for the Safe contracts* Verify Gnosis Safe tx: How can I generate the safeTxHash without “Read as Proxy”? - Ethereum Stack Exchange
- CIP/CIP-101.md at main · ceramicnetwork/CIP
- 5afe/safe-tasks: Hardhat task collection for the Safe contracts
- Docs
- Examples ready for productions
- Example Code