Teraform IAC
Actually Use
terraform init
terraform show
terraform plan
terraform plan -var-file ./dentropycloud.tfvars
terraform apply
terraform apply -var-file ./dentropycloud.tfvars
terraform apply -destroy
terraform apply -destroy -var-file ./dentropycloud.tfvars
Awesome Resources
Sources to review
- Terraform in 100 Seconds - YouTube
- Cool I can deploy a VPS in google cloud
- Where do I get the credentials
- How do I access the VPS after
- How do I install stuff on the VPS with cloudinit or Teraform
- How do I do backups and restore
- What about databases
- What about object storage
- Terraform explained in 15 mins | Terraform Tutorial for Beginners - YouTube
- How is terraform different than wiki.software.List.Ansible?
- Terraform is about provisioning infrastructure while ansible is about configuration
- Ansible is more mature than terraform
- Terraform is all about version control management of your infrastructure, great for managing different environments such as development, testing, and production
- Terraform takes two things into core
- Terraform config, and terraform state
- Providers are API plugins for Kubernetes, AWS, Azure Google Cloud etc....
- Declarative vs Imperative
- Saying what to do would be an imperative approach
- Terraform commands
- refresh - get current state
- plan - display changes required to get to desired state
- apply - actually do the changes to get to the desired state
- destroy - KILL EVERYTHING (Will also check what is running and make a plan)
- 8 Terraform Best Practices that will improve your TF workflow immediately - YouTube
- NEVER EDIT THIS FILE terraform.tfstate
- JSON file
- This file is created by
terraform apply
- The terraform.tfstate file should be managed using remote storage for teams
- To avoid two people editing the state file use state locking
- Not all S3 storage backends support this
- When you lost terraform.tfstate, remember to use version control, S3 has this built in
- Use one state file per environment
- GitOps, host terraform code in git
- Who is allowed to make changes to the terraform code, MERGE REQUESTS
- Use continuos integration
- https://blog.gruntwork.io/a-comprehensive-guide-to-terraform-b3d32832baca
- You can buy IOC for $800 a MONTH AWS Infrastructure as Code Library
- Check hypothes
- Domain redirect HTTP 302
- Create a VM, install docker, and connect block storage
- Lambda CRON job
- Deploy a static site on S3 From SCRATCH
- Setup a site with HTTP BASIC AUTH
- Deploy an entire wordpress site
Other Sources Judged