- What is LDAP?
- Alternatives to LDAP?
- No Not Really
- Reddit Stuff
- [LDAP/AD in homelab? (Linux User Authentication|[Linux User Authentication|[Linux User Authentication|[Linux User Authentication|[Linux User Authentication|Linux User Authentication|[Linux User Authentication|[Linux User Authentication|[Linux User Authentication|[Linux User Authentication) : homelab](../Linux User Authentication) : homelab]] : homelab](Linux%20User%20Authentication) : homelab : homelab]]%20:%20homelab)
- Lightweight and Simple LDAP Server for Homelab : homelab
- docker-compose for LDAP,DNS,DHCP,TFTP,HTTP-filedrop,Guacamole, and more. For homelab setups. : selfhosted
- [You can now install 70+ self-hosted apps and services via HomelabOS with one command. (x-post r/homelab|[x-post r/homelab|[x-post r/homelab|[x-post r/homelab|[x-post r/homelab|x-post r/homelab|[x-post r/homelab|[x-post r/homelab|[x-post r/homelab|[x-post r/homelab) : selfhosted](../x-post r/homelab) : selfhosted]] : selfhosted](x-post%20r/homelab) : selfhosted : selfhosted]]%20:%20selfhosted)
- Other Links
- OpenLDAP - Homelab
- Downloads - FreeIPA
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_LDAP_software
- GitHub - osixia/docker-openldap: A docker image to run OpenLDAP 🐳
- Docker OpenLDAP + phpldapadmin example · GitHub
- GitHub - osixia/docker-openldap: A docker image to run OpenLDAP 🐳
- OpenLDAP and phpLDAPadmin running in Docker containers | LostFocus
- Tutorial: Setup OpenLDAP and configure clients - YouTube
- docker-openldap/docker-compose.yml at master · osixia/docker-openldap · GitHub
- 2021-06-05
- 2021-06-06
dn: uid=gitea,cn=sysaccounts,cn=etc,dc=czs,dc=local
changetype: add
objectclass: account
objectclass: simplesecurityobject
uid: gitea
userPassword: TESTPASS123!
passwordExpirationTime: 20380119031407Z
nsIdleTimeout: 0
ldapmodify -h localhost -p 389 -x -D "cn=Directory Manager" -W -f gitea.ldif
ldapmodify -h freeipa.czs.local -p 443 -x -D \
"cn=Directory Manager" -W -f gitea.ldif
ipa group-add --desc="Gitea Users" gitea_users
ldapsearch -x -LLL uid=* uid
- LDAP Implementations
- FreeIPA
- FreeIPA — Linux Guide and Hints
- FreeIPA Docs
- Hottest 'freeipa' Answers - Stack Overflow
- Reminder this exists
- FreeIPA — Linux Guide and Hints
- FreeIPA
- Apps
- Nextcloud
- Jellyfin
- Tutorials
- LinkedIn
- Does not work
- stevegroom/traefikGateway: Turnkey Traefik Gateway with Let's Encrypt TLS, KeyCloak SSO and Jaeger tracing
- Too complex for me
- Reddit Stuff
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_LDAP_software : homelab](Linux%20User%20Authentication) : homelab](Linux%20User%20Authentication) : homelab]]%20:%20homelab)
- Lightweight and Simple LDAP Server for Homelab : homelab
- docker-compose for LDAP,DNS,DHCP,TFTP,HTTP-filedrop,Guacamole, and more. For homelab setups. : selfhosted
- https://www.keycloak.org/docs/6.0/server_admin/ : selfhosted](x-post%20r/homelab) : selfhosted](x-post%20r/homelab) : selfhosted]]%20:%20selfhosted)
- Other Links
- OpenLDAP - Homelab
- Downloads - FreeIPA
- https://www.freeipa.org/page/HowTo/LDAP
- GitHub - osixia/docker-openldap: A docker image to run OpenLDAP 🐳
- Docker OpenLDAP + phpldapadmin example · GitHub
- GitHub - osixia/docker-openldap: A docker image to run OpenLDAP 🐳
- OpenLDAP and phpLDAPadmin running in Docker containers | LostFocus
- Tutorial: Setup OpenLDAP and configure clients - YouTube
- docker-openldap/docker-compose.yml at master · osixia/docker-openldap · GitHub
- 2021-06-05
- command-not-found.com – ldapmodify
- networking - Docker-compose container using host DNS server - Stack Overflow
- [[https://www.keycloak.org/docs/6.0/server_admin/#_sssd]]
dn: uid=gitea,cn=sysaccounts,cn=etc,dc=czs,dc=local changetype: add objectclass: account objectclass: simplesecurityobject uid: gitea userPassword: TESTPASS123! passwordExpirationTime: 20380119031407Z nsIdleTimeout: 0
ldapmodify -h localhost -p 389 -x -D "cn=Directory Manager" -W -f gitea.ldif ldapmodify -h freeipa.czs.local -p 443 -x -D \ "cn=Directory Manager" -W -f gitea.ldif
ipa group-add --desc="Gitea Users" gitea_users ldapsearch -x -LLL uid=* uid
LDAP Implementations
- FreeIPA
- [[https://www.freeipa.org/page/HowTo/LDAP#System_Accounts]]
- FreeIPA — Linux Guide and Hints
- FreeIPA Docs
- Hottest 'freeipa' Answers - Stack Overflow
- Reminder this exists
- FreeIPA
- Apps
- Nextcloud
- docker-ci/nextcloud.ldif at master · nextcloud/docker-ci · GitHub
- User authentication with LDAP — Nextcloud latest Administration Manual latest documentation
- Integrating NextCloud 11 with FreeIPA 4 | Poorly Documented
- Owncloud Authentication against FreeIPA - FreeIPA
- [[Docker, Snappy, VM, NCP|[Docker, Snappy, VM, NCP|[Docker, Snappy, VM, NCP|[Docker, Snappy, VM, NCP|Docker, Snappy, VM, NCP) - Nextcloud community
- Jellyfin
- Nextcloud
- Tutorials
- LinkedIn
- Does not work
- stevegroom/traefikGateway: Turnkey Traefik Gateway with Let's Encrypt TLS, KeyCloak SSO and Jaeger tracing
- Too complex for me
- Within QE what is the equivalent conception of a folder or dataset?
- ETL to QE, Update 55, Nostr AI Chatbot Implementation Details
- ETL to QE, Update 46, A Vision that Never Solidifies
- ETL to QE, Update 23, Designing and Checking my Premises
- ETL to QE, Update 22, Tutorial Your Way To Victory
- RBAC LDAP Like Content Addressable Storage System
- Blockchain LDAP