Fill in a form and have a LLM ask you a specific question at a specific time
Produce a simple LLM Chatbot where all the metadata steps are viewable by the user
Ask a LLM bot to remind you to talk about something at a specific time then have the conversation then.
Next Steps
Example Conversation
Step in Langchain to detect Date and Time
User Story
As someone trying to reinforce a routine I want a direct message sent to me at whatever time I say that I can engage with linguistically to force me to think through my actions in the moment
User Journey
User sends message to bot with the #tool hashtag in it
The bot receives the message and makes a decisions to use the tool workflow rather than just responding as it traditionally does
The tool control flow triggers with each step in the tool flow response getting sent out via Nostr
Detect if a user wants to receive a message send to them at a specific time
Extract question they want to be asked
Generate Cron job syntax
Store job in sqlite database
Setup job to send message to use somehow
Send message to user
Steps Completed
Wrote Goal
Wrote User Story
Think through use of #tool hashtag
Tested use with multiple tools
Tested providing and separately using two tools from the Ollama tools API
Now do we want to create our own little langchain, extracting the question and stuff separately?
No this works for now
Let's get a prompt for when the user doesn't interact with the tool correctly