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AI Taskmaster


  • Fill in a form and have a LLM ask you a specific question at a specific time
  • Produce a simple LLM Chatbot where all the metadata steps are viewable by the user
  • Ask a LLM bot to remind you to talk about something at a specific time then have the conversation then.

Next Steps

  • Example Conversation
  • Step in Langchain to detect Date and Time

User Story

  • As someone trying to reinforce a routine I want a direct message sent to me at whatever time I say that I can engage with linguistically to force me to think through my actions in the moment

User Journey

  • User sends message to bot with the #tool hashtag in it
  • The bot receives the message and makes a decisions to use the tool workflow rather than just responding as it traditionally does
  • The tool control flow triggers with each step in the tool flow response getting sent out via Nostr
    • Detect if a user wants to receive a message send to them at a specific time
      • Extract question they want to be asked
      • Generate Cron job syntax
      • Store job in sqlite database
      • Setup job to send message to use somehow
      • Send message to user

Steps Completed

  • Wrote Goal
  • Wrote User Story
  • Think through use of #tool hashtag
  • Tested use with multiple tools
  • Tested providing and separately using two tools from the Ollama tools API
  • Now do we want to create our own little langchain, extracting the question and stuff separately?
  • No this works for now
  • Let's get a prompt for when the user doesn't interact with the tool correctly