ETL to QE, Update 40, OODA and Importance
Date: 2024-06-07
Perspective Shift
Yuval Noah Harari said something along the lines that, Systems and algorithms will understand people better than they understand themselves. I am a little disappointed that he had to include the word "will" in there but that's what I am trying to solve. One thing people fail to understand about Yuval Noah Harari is that he just read SciFi, specifically The Culture Series, and repeated some of its ideas as if they were true.
This idea of science fiction inspiring science fact has a history. Michio Kaku in his book Physics of the Impossible does like to go on about how the questions from science fiction, go on to influence the questions of real science, which go on to influence actual science experiments, which changes our understanding our our reality. Or in short, science fiction inspires science fact. Yuval Noah Harari does the same thing as Michio Kaku talks about, taking fictional ideas and seeing how well they mesh with reality.
Hey, and if you think about it fiction exists as an emergent phenomenon from reality for a reason.
Setting OODA Goal
OODA stands for, Observe Orient Decide Act. It is used by Navy Seals and Pickup Artists to achieve their goals. My issue in life is that I don't define goals clearly enough with the correct context in order to inspire myself towards them. I sorta miss out on taking my own feelings into the question when I am trying to accomplish a task.
For example the core Question Engine user journey QE Demo for Friends at Get Together is still yet to be completed, like what the fuck is the hold up.
At work the other day I discovered when I try to write a clear question, issue, or describe my understanding I find holes in my own understanding that I myself can answer which sometimes leads to me solving my own problems.
Now let's try and use these new heuristics on QE Demo for Friends at Get Together, let's start with what is QE once again to get us started.
What is Question Engine?
Question Engine is an application built on top of CGFS(Context Graph File System) that let's you have structured conversations that encourages layers via custom token economic systems allowing for complex social signalling rather than dumping everything in chronological format.
Just talked to topic segregated summaries and when a threshold is met the message will be put in the channel as a separate meme.
What is CGFS?
CGFS(Context Graph File System) is a protocol standard for encrypted, tokenized, rule based access controlled, distributed, self hosted, locally synced, provenance tracking, file system database for all your data.
CGFS is basically just KQL(Kafka Query Language) with a series of options for hash signed provenance and a couple technical trade offs.
Technical Tradeoffs, * CGFS is designed to be more Federated than just Distributed * Digital Identity is built into CGFS as a fundamental primitive * For now the only types supported are JSONSchema, no Arrow or anything like that
People think you can use Kafka itself as a database, why not. The core data structure premises that Kafka is built on top of work for a Key Value system like Redis no problem.
The Graph in CGFS
Within CGFS, the event streams are basically a SQL Table or dataframe, the links between this stuff is where we have a problem.
The linking of data is also a problem within Nostr. NOSTR(Notes and other stuff transmitted through Relays) uses relays to send messages between clients. The problem is that relays are ran by every day people and are therefore ephemeral. Old Events(Notes) are deleted from relays, some relays will not broadcast your notes unless you pay them, there is a limit to the speed, amount, and size of notes certain relays support. But the crux of the problem is,
If you respond so a Nostr Event, you need to make sure that your response is sent to one of the nostr relays that the user who sent the original post subscribes to otherwise they will never receive the note.
Cognition via CGFS
The social media platforms and protocols of today do not allow one to effectively log their interactions or interrogate their media.
Big social media tends to know exactly how many microseconds you spend looking at each piece of media in your feed. I just wish I could get a stream of that data to interrogate the media I consume.
There are many ways to interrogate your media. We all did it in high school when we had to write essays on books and movies. Remember, you had to have a thesis then you had to bring up supporting arguments with evidence. But in the real world you get to ask questions and analyze themes you find interesting...
For example, most of us consume cooking recipes, memes, and videos. But when we are consuming that content we don't tend to ask ourselves the following questions,
- Do I have enough in the fridge to make this right now?
- Is there a way to query which of my friends of family have cooked this or something similar?
- Does this recipe easily integrate with my dieting app or am I going to have to calculate its nutrition facts?
- Of the 10 recipes I just looked at which am I most likely to cook?
- How long would this meal last in the fridge?
- And oh so many more
Interrogating your media turns mind(less) scrolling into a conversation.
Cognition as Conversation
I like to think that most cognition is just a conversation we as humans have with ourselves via different personas hiding within ourselves.
Conversations as a data structure as sorta weird
Version Control and CGFS
The problem is when stuff is not in sync? Well that's why we deal with Jupyter Cells / Paragraph's rather than lists of lines.