Backlog - Tutorials
- Recommended SQL Tutorials
- Write a blog post about the format of Tutorials
- Ask people what kind of tutorials they want written
Tutorial Quests
Backlog Priority
- IP Tables remember old LCBO scraping project
- How to run Minio
- How to upload a folder to S3
- How to deploy my homelab remote proxy
- How to manage homelab remote hosts using gitops
- SystemD DNS Tutorial
- DuckDB-Wasm
- Parsing PDFs
- Parsing Questions from PDF's using Python
- NLTK stuff
- In grade 11 English we would have learned that clauses demonstrate complete thoughts in language
- So doing it character wise should involve acknowledgement of "conjunctions" which bridge clauses- e.g. "and", "but", etc
- Nostr Relay Tutorial
- JS Cryptographic Signing Tutorial
- IndexedDB Tutorial
- SQL in Web browsers Tutorial
- Web Workers Tutorial
- Version Managers Tutorial
- SQLalchemy Tutorial
- Prisma Tutorial
- JSON in sqlite
- JSON in Postgres
- JSON in Polars
- Nostr Client Tutorial
- Embeddings Tutorial
- Web Scraping Tutorial
- OAuth tutorial
- bip39 Tutorial
- Articulate Clearly what I want
- I want to write tutorials that teach skills other people want
- I want to know what skills other people want
- I want people to do my tutorials
- I want feedback on my tutorials
- I want my tutorials to be modular
- I want to review other tutorials and synthesize them into road maps similar to
- I want to have a list my favorite tutorials ranked using Question Engine
- I want to know what skills Kinetic Sarah, Alchemist6, people from Deepwork Community and other communities want
Tutorial List
- Publish Tutorials
- Commander Nodejs Tutorial
- Filling self described SQL models via LLM
- Ollama Hugging Face Tutorial
- RClone and S3 from S3 Backup of Discord Data and Document Procedure and Umbrel - Backup and Restore
- Learn Ansible by Writing a Tutorial
- Write and document graphql tutorial using better-sqlite3
- Document How to setup a custom GraphQL Backend?
- Encrypted Git Backup
- Django
- Develop a Docker Development Setup Tutorial and Documentation
- Research LLM Monitoring, a16z-infra/llm-app-stackLLM Caches
- Setting up a REST API with Java Spring Boot
- How to train an image classifier
- OpenAI Tutorial
- VPS + Wireguard + Nginx Proxy Manager
- Python FastAPI Tutorial
- Nodejs Express Tutorial
- Solidity Tutorial
- S3 Tutorial
- Fuzzy String Matching tutorial
- Perkeep Tutorial
- ActivityPub Tutorial
- IPFS IPLD CID Tutorial
- Biscuit Tutorial
- Neo4J Graph Algorithms Tutorial
- Age verse PGP
- Develop a Chrome Extension
- Generating a Dataset
- How to create a torrent?
- S3 Tutorial
- Python
- JavaScript
- Homelab and SysAdmin Skills
- Project Tutorials
- Umbrel
- Database Backup and Restore
- Docker Networking
- CLI Torrent Client with VPN
- S3 / Minio Tutorial
- Pub Sub
- Rabbit MQ, Nats, Kafka
- Data Streaming
- Kafka, Nats Jetstream
- Data Lake
- Changing networking in live environment
- Natural Language Search
- Deploying Funky Penguin's Software
- Dentropy's Ideal DevSecOps Stack
- Serverless Tutorials Heroku
- Write Tutorials / Skills to Learn
- SQLalchemy Tutorial
- Mastering Docker
- Markdown Contextualizing
- Web Scraping Tutorial
- Data Engineering
- Mastering SQL
- Hamilton Dag
- Airflow
- Spark
- Privacy
- Local TOR Proxy
- Tor Hidden Servies
- DevOps
- Object Storage
- Teraform
- Emails
- Cloud-Init + UserData
- Prometheus
- Grafana
- Gitlab CI
- dentropydaemon-wiki/Skills/Learning Pathways/Programming/Unit Testing
- Javascript - ViteTest
- Python
- key logger
- PubSub + Key Value Store + Data Streaming
- Kafka / Nats / RabbitMQ / Spark Streaming
- Come up with better way to store API keys's from stuff
- Robotics Project
- Write Tutorials / Skills to Learn
- Forward docker traffic through VPN
- SQL Database Deployment, Cheat Sheet, Backup and Restore
- PKM Enhancement
- Parsing Markdown
- Web Scraping
- Python Requests
- Selenium
- Data Engineering
- SQLAlchemy
- Hamilton Dag
- Airflow
- Spark
- Privacy
- Local TOR Proxy
- Tor Hidden Servies
- DevOps
- Deploy and secure Postgres
- Object Storage
- Teraform
- Emails
- Docker
- docker-compose
- dockerfile
- advanced networking
- DNS and Docker
- Cloud-Init + UserData
- Prometheus
- Grafana
- Gitlab CI
- dentropydaemon-wiki/Skills/Learning Pathways/Programming/Unit Testing
- Javascript - ViteTest
- Python
- key logger
- PubSub + Key Value Store + Data Streaming
- Kafka / Nats / RabbitMQ / Spark Streaming
- Come up with better way to store API keys's from stuff
- Get my ebike up and running.
- Robotics Project