lvm - logical volume manager
Chapter 7, Paritions, Filesystems, and LVM for Noobs
Make me some LVM
Linux LVM
Make me some LVM
# LVM let's you create super large disks by creating file paritions that span multiple disks
# First we need a physical volume groult
pvcreate /dev/sdb1
# To see existing physical volumes
# Now we need a volume group based on physical volumes
vgcreate {volume_group_name}} /dev/{device}}
# After we have a volume group we need a logical volume for our system to actually use
lvcreate -n {logical_volume_name}} -L {Size}G {volume_group_name}}
# Now we can put a file system on the logical volume
mkfs -t xfs /dev/{name}}/{new name}}
LVM needs modifications FUCK
LVM needs modifications FUCK
>>>>>>> 7a8abfaa064042981fb745a54b60262bb1ebedcf
Create and Remove Physical Volumes, Assign Physical VOlumes to Volume
Groups and Create and Delete Logical Volumes
LVM (Logical Volume Manager)
Use gdisk but use LVM GUID label
Volume Groups?
vgcreate {name}} /dev/WHATEVER1 /dev/WHATEVER2
lvcreate -n {name}} -L 10G {name volumegroup, from above}}
One can create and edit file systems on LVM
- Some file systems can not be edited
Remove volume group
Add New Patitions and Logical Volumes and Swap to a System
free -m # Can see Swap, 2-2.5 times free memory
# Swap is LVM type partition
# Create LVM, with vgcreate and lvcreate
mkswap /dev/{lvm name}}/{name partition}}
# Enable swap
swapon /dev/{lvm name}}/{name partition}}
free- -n # Check if it works
# Edit /etc/fstab
/dev/{lvm name}}/{name partition}} swap swap 0 0
# Switch on fstab without reboot
swapon -a
free -a # Check if it works
# Can have multiple swap disks and linux will use the total storage of all of them
# Edit /etc/fstab
UUID={UUID}} swap swap 0 0
swapoff /dev/WHATEVER
swapoff -a
swapon -a # Apply swap from /etc/fstab
cat /proc/swaps
Extend Existing Logical Volumes
cd /dev
# Should see a bunch of aditional devices
fdisk /dev/{device}}
# Make sure to label device LVM
pvcreate /dev/{device}}
vsgreate {name}} /dev/{device}}
lvcreate -n {new name}} -L {Size}G {name}}
mkfs -t xfs /dev/{name}}/{new name}}
mount /dev/{name}}/{new name}} {Mount Location}}
df -h
# With logical volumes you can add and remove phyiscal volumes without interupting the data on the volume
gdisk /dev/{new device}}
# Use linux LVM code
vsextend {name}} /dev/{new device}}
# Copy from one thing to another
pvmove /dev/{device}} # To remove data from
# Remove Phyiscal device
vgreduce {name}} /dev/{device}} # Device you want to remove
# Congradualtions you just did a live data migration
# Now to actually extend
lvextend -L {Size}}G /dev/{name}}/{new name}} # Change size
lvextend -L +{Size}}G /dev/{name}}/{new name}} # Add
# Wait the file system is still fucked
xfs_growfs {Mount Point}}
# For ext4 resize2fs
lvextend -l +50%FREE /dev/{name}}/{new name}} # Take up 50% of aditional space