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Philosopher King


  • Rich People
  • Changes conversation like Snowden, the Bolder Analogy
  • Have Theories, Ideologies, or Concept named after them
  • Reputation Markets - Dave
  • Not effected by common ideologies
  • Understands History
  • Can you think without being in a system, can you take a position outside the system of values we have, eg Overton Window
  • You can't be religious per say, but there are people like Thomas Aquinas
    • Do religions have their own Philosopher King within their Context Window?
    • Magic Man in sky is a serious issue says Alex
    • Fuck Astrology
    • Sir Isaac Newton is a counter example to this
  • There is a difference between Ideal Philosopher King and realistic Philosopher King
  • First Principals
  • Understands Emergence, Curates Emergence
  • Ubermensch
  • Aesthetics, It's not about Ideas but their presentation...
  • You need to be a special kind of Retarded to not just KYS, Optimal Mediocrity
  • There is a difference between Execution and Ideas
  • Fundamentally Immoral
    • There are people that can change the fundamental shape of the moral system


