ETL to QE, Update 53, Reading Effectively
Date: 2024-12-21
I have aspired to read an article a day and annotate it using The goal is to integrate more and more knowledge into my life. I am having a hard time integrating what I read.
When I look at my feed I get a bunch of decontextualized slop just like browsing a infotainment feed in Instagram, Nostr, or Twitter.
What I read should have direct influence over the actions and decisions I make. If I read something and it doesn't integrate into my life what so ever, it is the same as masturbating.
I want to attach all media I consume to a Question, Quest, Goal or Purpose. That's the implicit goal of Question Engine.
Reviewing my own Infotainment Feed
When I look at the most recent articles on my account I see,
- Parkinson's Law It's Real, So Use It - by James Stanier
- Preventing Replays with TEEs An Extended Analysis
- digital consumption keeps me from getting better at my job
- Language - The Genocidal Organ - by Moriarty
- The Illuminati New World Order Conspiracy to Overthrow Civilization
- Elon versus the USG - by Curtis Yarvin - Gray Mirror
- Unlocking the Power of JSON Patch
Well why did you read each of these articles?
- Parkinson's Law It's Real, So Use It - by James Stanier
- Why did you read this article?
- I am really bad at delivering on what I say I want to do and this article was supposed to help with that.
- What did you learn from this article?
- Setting deadlines for yourself means setting constraints, and since Constraints Create Value you should actually develop something
- How does the knowledge of this article integrate with your life?
- If you don't set deadlines you are't serious
- Why did you read this article?
- Preventing Replays with TEEs An Extended Analysis
- Why did you read this article?
- Friend wrote the article
- What did you learn from this article?
- How does the knowledge of this article integrate with your life?
- I don't really work with TEE what so ever, I expect it to be useful for Dentropy Daemon down the line though
- Why did you read this article?
- digital consumption keeps me from getting better at my job
- Why did you read this article?
- I feel the exact sentiment of the title of the article
- What did you learn from this article?
- It has some banger quotes that speak for themselves,
- At this point I am convinced that fast consumption is harmful to the brain, mind, and soul
- I want to know everything, immediately, quickly. Since this is not humanly possible, I end up doing nothing
- How does the knowledge of this article integrate with your life?
- It cements my sentiment that infotainment is cancer.
- The idea that I want everything immediately but that is not possible and therefore I do nothing is a great observation that allows me to see myself for who I am. It also cements the idea that Intelligence is ones capacity to Decern
- Why did you read this article?
- Language - The Genocidal Organ
- Why did you read this article?
- It's about an epic anime Genocidal Organ, which has a very epic thesis having to do with Anthropology and politics, but tries to take it's very novel ideas and play with them from an Academic Perspective.
- What did you learn from this article?
- Memetic Resonance is a thing
- Information Density is not necessarily represented in the number of characters in the words, or the word complexity itself, but functions as an emergent phenomenon. For example check out 45 minutes on a single paragraph of Nietzsche's Beyond Good & Evil
- This quote goes REALLY HARD
- If the pen is mightier than the sword, algorithms are keener than the quill. Words may sway the heart, but hidden patterns rewrite the soul
- Algorithms are a form of speech
- How does the knowledge of this article integrate with your life?
- This article resonates with "digital consumption keeps me from getting better at my job"
- Basically Brain Rot is a Psychological Weapon and I should be aware of that
- When I describe people as Memetic Instruments, this article goes into the details of how
- Beyond Brain Rot complex memes are designed and curated within a medium. Being aware of this system should change how one interacts with it.
- When I want to know more about CogSec this is a great place to start off from
- Why did you read this article?
- The Illuminati New World Order Conspiracy to Overthrow Civilization
- Why did you read this article?
- I found a link to it somewhere and started reading it, I quickly got overwhelmed and highlighted the quote that really resonated with me
- That quote signaled I should read the article later so I highlighted it and moved on
- What did you learn from this article?
- I found this epic quote, From the days of Spartacus-Weishaput to those of Karl Marx, to those of Trotsky, Bela Kun <- CLICK ON IT
- How does the knowledge of this article integrate with your life?
- That quote really scares me, the idea of Reconstitution of society on the basis of arrested development really hit hard, it's exactly what some of my favorite Sci Fi is about such as,
- Why did you read this article?
- Elon versus the USG - by Curtis Yarvin - Gray Mirror
- Why did you read this article?
- I consume Curtis Yarvin content because of what George Hotz said about him and the fact it is the most accurate political analysis out there.
- This article repeats the same ideas I saw Curtis Yarvin talk about in a couple interviews. I can now link those ideas into my knowledge base.
- What did you learn from this article?
- How does the knowledge of this article integrate with your life?
- We don't have the analogies in English to communicate the difference in competence between the USG of modernity to the one capable of developing the Atomic Bomb.
- Why did you read this article?
- Unlocking the Power of JSON Patch
- Why did you read this article?
- I want to use JSON Patch with CRDT for decentralized knowledge curation wiki style.
- What did you learn from this article?
- The weaknesses highlighted via show that JSON Patch doesn't work for CRDT's
- How does the knowledge of this article integrate with your life?
- I need to identify what I would CRDT's for in my QE, Dentropy Daemon, CGFS project. Specifically develop some User Journeys. Then develop a research document to research CRDT's that talks about JSON Patch
- Why did you read this article?
We got an explanation and some context for why I read each of those articles. But they are not integrated into some grand narative.
My Grift - Organizing Principal - Personal Legend needs to be broken down into component pieces or Vectors that align with each of those Articles. I want
something from each article. That want needs to resonate with my personal narrative.
- Parkinson's Law It's Real, So Use It - by James Stanier
- Preventing Replays with TEEs An Extended Analysis
- digital consumption keeps me from getting better at my job
- Language - The Genocidal Organ - by Moriarty
- The Illuminati New World Order Conspiracy to Overthrow Civilization
- Elon versus the USG - by Curtis Yarvin - Gray Mirror
- Unlocking the Power of JSON Patch
It's interesting to try and explicitly break down what I want from what I read. It makes me feel Self Conscious or event Cringe which in this case is a good thing.
These articulated Wants are not the true axiomatic wants either, they each need to be broken down and integrated.
This process of Interrogation seems valuable. In fact if this was turned into a multiplayer game I think I would have some sort of product.
But this process of Interrogation is not an end in and of itself, it is supposed to produce Strong Decisions.
Wants by themselves don't produce decisions.
We got an explanation and some context for why I read each of those articles. But they are not attached to any grand purpose or narrative that would make it easy to remember why I ingested this media.
I need a playbooks for finding the most important media for myself to consume. If I was to build an AI agent to pre digest all my media what would it even do?
The media I consume needs to be digested using a set of premises, these premisses being the grand narratives, interests, passions, desires, wants, grift, purpose, projects, or organizing principal.